Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Day 5

(this post was written by Gabe, based on the group's reflections from the message board)

Day 5 marks the one-third point in the Science
& Theatre Magic Program. I think everyone agrees with me that it is passing by far too quickly.

We began day 5 with a math lesson from Professor Bob Styer. We learned about Euler (pronounced "oiler") paths and circuits, and put on a short skit to help explain. Euler paths and circuits apply to any number of vertices connected with any number of lines. If you can trace over every line without retracing or changing vertices, it has an Euler path. If you can do that and end at the same vertex you started with, it is an Euler circuit. We learned that if a figure has no vertices with an odd degree (number of lines radiating from it), it has at leat one Euler circuit. If it has two vertices with an odd degree, it has no Euler circuit but at leat one Euler path. If it has one or more than two vertices with odd an odd degree, it has no Euler paths or Euler circuits. We also learned a trick where you ask someone to think of a number between 2 and 9, then add it to itself, then add that number to itself, then add that number to itself, then add the two digits of the final number together, then "magically" know their original number. It is based on a 9-hour clock system.

Here's what some scholars had to say about our morning math class:

"Math was slighty confusing, but I still enjoyed it."

"Math was confusing, but if you look at the problem the right way, you could understand it. Dr. Styer did a great job describing it, and i really liked the math problem we did by using the Mod 9 system."

Next, we were on to our fourth theatre class, but on the way we stopped to have a look at the Connelly Center. The center had tons of stuff, including a giant koi pond, indoor computer trees, and of course, pool tables. Then at theatre, we continued our improv from the last class. Everyone did a great job! Then we all gathered in a circle for the grand finale. Two people stood in the center of the circle and acted. Then when Father David said "freeze," one person had to be replaced and the two people continued based on the posture they were in when Father David froze them. Everyone had a great time with it.

Here's what people said about the Connelly Center and Theatre class:

"The Connelly Center was very cool, I think that it would be a cool place to hang out... I think it would be cooler were there some performers."

"It was so funny, I love theater cause thats where people get to act as silly as they want."


"IMPROV!! I love improv."

After theatre, our group headed to lunch. Sweet, sweet lunch. Enough said.

Following lunch, we split up into two groups. one went inside to use computers, while the other stayed and hung out and played frisbee by the willow tree. This is when some of us got nicknames, and I got my awesome theme song:

To the tune of "Switch" by Will Smith

Turn it over and... GABE
Turn around now... GABE
Turn it over and ...
Ohh la la laaaaaa!

This apparently made Josh want to smite me, even though he should be fighting the battle of Jericho. Meanwhile, others were playing games, listening to music, and watching movies on computers.

Here's what people said:

"yeah, right. you mean, every one complained about the heat, and were to too lazy to move, pretty much. only andrew(conselor), adam, and i were the only ones actually moving and doing stuff. we didn't even touch the soccer ball!!! do you know how many strange looks i got on the train this morning, carrying that thing? do you? DO YOU!? (several angry faces)"

"You know what, I think we had more fun with theme songs and whatnot than we would have had playing frisbee in the sun, and that's what it's really all about."

"it's not about the fun, man, its about the exercise. does anyone wonder how the u.s. lost in the first round of the world cup? maybe it was because the entire team spend practice sessions under a giant tree making up theme songs for themselves. i bet that was it. yep. no one moving their lazy butts and getting in gear. NOBODY!!! YOU HEAR ME?!? ALL YOU PEOPLE, SITTING ON YOUR FANCY TREE BRANCHES SINGING, WHILE SOME OF US OR RUNNING AND GETTING OUR EXERCISE! IT MAKESME SO MAD!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! (longer succession of angry faces, this time moving to the left)"

"Calm down. I respect your perspective, but you should take a look at this analogy: Camp : Fun :: Home : Any other crazy things."

As you can see, we had somewhat of an argument going on!

"I really like playing frisbee, mostly because I am pretty good. I also really like going to the willow tree because when it is really hot and sunny like it was today, the willow provides excellent shade and coolness! Counselor Andrew is ok at frisbee but I am sooooo much better. No offense Andrew!"

Next we were off to math again... AND BUBBLES! First, Melissa de-confusitated everyone on the subject of Euler paths and whatnot. Next, Professor Styer taught us about surface tension... WITH BUBBLES! We found that the bubble juice will always suck in to minimize its area, and that because of surface area, bubbles will alway be spherical. And then came the fun part. people would stand in the middle of a bubble juice-filled kiddie pool and had a bubble cylinder hula hooped over them. It was tons of fun!
We also dicover that blowing out while in the center of the bubble cylinder created giant bubbles and a big ol' bubble arm reaching out out.

What does the general public think of this?

"it was really cool."

"It was cool when someone exhaled when inside the giant bubble, because then you could form extra smaller bubbles."

"yes today's bubble experiment was really really cool. also, we realized that slowly the giant bubble would move toward the person and as soon as the bubble touched something it popped"

"that part was creepy. it felt like it was a solid wall moving in to crush you, and worse, get soap in your eyes"

"the bubbles are the best!!!!"

The general concensus: cool bubbles.

And so ended, after more computer time for reflection, day 5. I'm sure everyone is excited for next week and our museum trip!!


Blogger Giovanni Carlo said...

My favorite feature is indoor koi pond

January 23, 2020 at 9:15 AM  

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